Bioenergetic Health Assessments

Navigating health remedies can be tough, especially when standard medical testing doesn't identify the cause of your symptoms. Dr. Tonia's non-invasive bioenergetic testing method is here to provide you with answers.

What is Bioenergetic Testing?

Bioenergetic testing offers a unique methodology that delves into the subtle energy imbalances within the body, providing valuable insights for holistic healing.

The aim of bioenergetic testing is to restore equilibrium to your body, alleviate any physical stress, and support you in maximizing your healing potential. But how?

Let’s be honest: finding the perfect, helpful, natural remedies to support one’s health can be a challenging task. With the myriad of options available, determining the most suitable path can often feel overwhelming.

This is where bioenergetic health assessments come in.

Dr. Tonia uses a combination of muscle testing with a biofeedback device to provide you with clarity and help prioritize which route to go by uncovering hidden imbalances and guiding your treatments:

“Many of my patients have had every test known to conventional and modern medical science, have been given the all-clear that they are fine, and still feel like garbage. They are fatigued, burned out, exhausted, have weak immune systems, hormone imbalances, digestive disturbances, or even skin conditions to name a few.”

If you’ve been told “you’re fine” when you know you’re not, you are in the right place.

Do any of these indicators sound familiar?

  • You have had (often loads of) standard medical tests, but none of them seem to show the specific cause or reason for symptoms
  • You are often tired, irritable, stressed, or feel like you’re not functioning at your best
  • You have the sense that something’s not quite right, but can’t put your finger on what it is
  • You have noticed a change, and you’re not feeling fully like yourself after a stressful or emotional experience
  • You seem to be stuck in negative patterns or reoccurring symptoms that no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get over

Have you considered bioenergetic testing?

If you answered YES to any of these indicators, you might be experiencing imbalances that can lead to dysfunctions in the immune system, hormone dysregulation, and digestive disturbances, all which might be missed by conventional medical testing.

With a bioenergetic health assessment by Dr. Tonia, you can finally locate and – more importantly – remedy these dysfunctions.

Once discovered, we can support, balance, and remedy them so that you are primed to go back into “healing mode”. Easily you will be able to release stress, sleep better, have more energy, soothe the nervous system, calm any digestive upset, balance the hormones, and heal the skin.

Bioenergetic Testing at a Glance



Unlike traditional medical tests that focus solely on physical symptoms, bioenergetic testing takes a holistic approach by tapping into the body’s energy flow. It’s a way to dive deeper if you’re wondering if there might be more at play to your symptoms and disease states that is available from medical testing alone.



At Knead, Dr. Tonia uses biofeedback devices combined with muscle testing to perform bioenergetic assessments. Through bioenergetic testing, she aims to address imbalances in hormonal, mental, emotional, physical, and biochemical aspects, guiding you towards optimal health and well-being.



Bioenergetic testing combines the strengths of naturopathic medicine with the insights gained from biofeedback testing. This is top-down medicine, starting at the mental/emotional level. When we clear these imbalances, we see a benefit that ripples down through the physical and biochemical levels, where our cells can heal and repair.

Uncover hidden imbalances

Have you ever had a medical test hoping you were finally going to get some answers about what is actually going on with your health? The reason for your headaches, or low energy or constipation?

What happens when you’re told nothing is wrong? “You’re fine.” But… you’re still not feeling well. You’re still bloated. You’re still gaining weight. You’re still in pain.

There’s some unchecked, unrecognized hormonal, mental, emotional, physical, or biochemical imbalance causing dysfunction in the immune system, hormone dysregulation, digestive disturbances…

Fortunately, bioenergetic testing allows us to uncover the hidden imbalances that traditional medical tests may overlook. We can then craft tailored remedies that address your specific, individual needs and get you back into your natural healing mode.

Guide your treatments

The biofeedback device itself plays a crucial role in this process by accurately measuring energy imbalances in major hormonal and nervous centres of the body. These measurements serve as a guide in determining the most effective treatment strategies for YOU.

We clarify and prioritize where to begin or pick up on your healing journey. Because we’re using the testing process to tap into your innate healing wisdom, it guides us to the perfect remedies for where you’re at. In this way, the remedies are only supportive and not aggravating. Just healing. It’s as straight a road as possible (and you probably know healing can be a bumpy journey sometimes).

In other words, the more we understand how your body works, which nutrients it needs, and which toxins are causing problems, the better we can find the best treatments for YOU.

Meet Dr. Tonia

I love working with patients who are proactive, curious, open-minded, tend to a positive outlook, and are willing to put their well-being at or near the top of their priority list. I bring my light-hearted approach to life into my interactions with patients, and love when we can laugh together in spite of it all.

Personally, I’ve been working with this bioenergetic assessment system as a patient since I graduated from Naturopathic College in 2007. And it has made a huge difference in my general happiness level in life.

Several years ago, a friend and patient asked me, “Why aren’t you doing this work with your own patients?” Which was a good question that I didn’t have an answer to! I was personally benefiting from this approach, so why wouldn’t others?

Shortly after that conversation I trained and certified in Levels 1 and 2 of the methodology, purchased the device, and have been offering bioenergetic assessments ever since!

My assessments go beyond simply using a biofeedback device for measuring energy imbalances. I believe my skill lies in interpreting these results within the broader context of your health journey. By combining this technology with my years of experience, I can effectively guide patients towards their optimal health and well-being.

Thanks for reading – I look forward to meeting you!

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