Pregnancy Massage

Best suited for new and veteran moms.

You are changing daily – these sessions are catered to the ongoing challenges that your new body may be facing.

What is Pregnancy Massage?

Simply put, Pregnancy Massage is based around providing you with what “mom” needs.

Pregnancy Massage focuses solely on general relaxation, with special attention paid specifically to the trimester you’re currently in.

Massage Therapy can be helpful for the entire gestation period. Your body is changing daily, and your massage sessions are catered to the ongoing and new challenges that your body may be facing.

Extra care and attention is always provided to ensure comfort. For example, once the belly is too big for face-down massage, you will be placed into a side-lying position. We will give you lots of pillowing so you will always stay leaning on your left to provide safety and comfort.

Pregnancy Massage at Knead provides for a great down-time. We encourage you to enjoy it, as it maybe your last chance for the next 18 years!

When you arrive for your session please let us know if your blood pressure is high or low – and remember to have a small snack before you arrive.

Book your appointment today, no referral required.

Do I have to choose a technique before scheduling an appointment?

Not at all. All you need to do is book an appointment with one of our Registered Massage Therapists. During your session, your RMT will create a tailored plan of various techniques designed around your specific needs.

This is my first massage – what can I expect?

Firstly, good for you! Here are some notes about getting started at Knead.

  • Please fill out your intake form online prior to your appointment time (it will be emailed to you directly).
  • You are welcome to wear relaxed clothing, or come as you are.
  • Enter the clinic a few moments early to check in with reception.
  • After you check in, your RMT will join you shortly to guide you to the treatment room.
  • Your RMT will go over your intake form with you. You will both have time to ask questions and get a clear idea of what will be taking place during your session.
  • You and your RMT will discuss what clothing may need to be removed, and how to get on the table.
  • Each treatment includes an interview/assessment, hands-on treatment, and there may be a few minutes at the end of the session to go over some homecare exercises.

If you have any other questions about your first visit at Knead, please get in touch!

I am pretty huge at this point – can I still get Pregnancy Massage?

Of course, and you definitely should. Really. We can pillow you (imagine more pillows!) and we have two different sets of supports that may allow you to be on your tummy.

I see you have male RMTs – are they ok with seeing me for Pregnancy Massage?

You bet they are. They have had their own kids, they lived it, they get it.

I am still very early in my first trimester, is it ok to have a massage?

Yes, women do amazing things ALL THE TIME while pregnant. We will avoid a few areas until you’ve hit your 12 week marker, but please come in and enjoy!

Can I fill out an intake form before my first appointment?

For sure! It’s not mandatory to fill out the intake form out before your first appointment, but it will save some time. If you have any questions about any of the fields on the form, just leave the area blank and we will go over it in person.

Download Intake Form PDF  

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Testimonial for Knead Registered Massage Therapy

“Since 2012 – and many, many life changes – Knead has been such a support.”


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